Planning a Do-It-Yourself Project?
Are you planting a tree? Digging a hole for a mailbox? Installing a fence? Remember to contact North Dakota One Call! There are several utility lines buried on your property: electric, telephone, gas or propane, water, sewer and cable TV. The first step to any project is safety. Damaging an underground facility can cause injury or even death. Contact North Dakota One Call, and we will contact the utility line owners to locate their lines. It’s free, it’s simple and it’s the law.
- To do your locate online, click HERE.
- If you are unable to file your locate request online, please call 811 or 800-795-0555.
- You can help: white lining your dig site improves accuracy to the utility locate.
- The person filing the locate request is taking responsibility for the excavating that is being performed. If you, as a homeowner, are doing the work, you should be placing the locate request. If you have an excavator doing the work for you, they are required to place the locate request to legally cover themselves.